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Re: California/Texas secession

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 14:47:15 -0600
Subject: Re: California/Texas secession

I think you have it.

When martial law was declared in the US following the economic collapse,
I imagine that both Texas and California seceded from the united states.
They probably formed a pact for mutual protection during the civil war
and subsequent rule by the Anglican Federation. This pact likely evolved
into the CalTex government of GZG.

Another point that people are over looking is the mobility of the
American population. People move where the jobs are and we bring our
families, which would tend to change at least somewhat the area they
to. I'm from New York as are my kids (more or less) my wife is from
and we live in central Texas. We are not rare, it's happening to the
population to one degree or other. By the time the CalTex government  is
formed who knows what the make up of the population of both states will


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