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Fighter standoff attacks was Re: Fighters and Hangers

From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 11:13:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Fighter standoff attacks was Re: Fighters and Hangers

--- Steve Pugh <> wrote:
> On 3 Mar 2004 at 22:21, Jared Hilal wrote:
> > > That final attack move is the reason given for PDS's working the
> > > way they do, of course.
> > > 
> > What final attack move?  I see FB says attacks cost an EF, and
> > secondary moves cost a separate  EF, but nowhere does it say that
> > the fighter group is moved either during, or as a result of, the
> > attack. 
> The fighter models aren't moved on the table top, but the fighters 
> are assumed to move right up to the ship being attacked and back 
> again during their attack.
> This ties in with (a) why PDS can only shoot at fighters actually 
> attacking the ship and not at any fighter group within 6MU and (b) 
> why an attack uses up the same EF as 12MU secondary move.

I see how that can be inferred from the description of part 6 of the
game turn ("Allocate Fighter and Missile Attacks") as described in FB1,
however the original description of fighter attacks quite clearly
implies a stand-off capability:

FT2, pg 16-17, 1st para. under "Fighter Attacks"
"Each Fighter is armed with a single weapon, similar to a
shorter-ranged "C" Battery in effect.  The RANGE of the Fighter
weaponry is 6"..."

This was the way that I always understood it to work, and it meshes
nicely with how I imagine it to work, as well as meshing well with
settings like B5 and SW that show long range firing.


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