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Re: Fighters and Hangers

From: "Steve Pugh" <steve@p...>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 15:18:41 -0000
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers

On 4 Mar 2004 at 9:49, Randy Joiner wrote:

> > Let's say you bring 24 fighters in four groups of six. Your
> > opponent, Monterey "Jack" Limburger, brings 24 fighters in 24 groups
> > of one. Now roll initiative and start alternately moving fighter
> > groups...
> >
> IIRC, fighter groups can split thier dice to multiple groups, correct?

Only during dogfights (FB1, p.6) which means only when the fighter 
groups are in base-to-base contact (FT, p.17). Jack would have to be 
fairly stupid to allow that to happen - i.e. position his fighters so 
close together that you can contact more than one of them with one of 
your groups.  

So you can destroy at most 4 of Jack's fighters per turn (and you 
most probably will kill 4). Jack can in theory kill all of yours on 
the first turn and on average will kill at least 13 of them 
(the average for 24 die rolls is 19.2, but taking into account 
casualties who don't get to fire and wasted re-rolls towards the end 
of the turn the actual figure will be lower than that - but even if 
the 20 who can't be engaged don't make any re-rolls they still 
average 13 kills). 

Round 2 - it's now 4 rather battered groups vs 20 groups of 1. You'll 
kill 4 at best (though it's less certain this time) and Jack will on 
average kill at least 10.

Round 3 - if you have any survivors they'll be facing Jack's 16.

Steve Pugh				    <>
Web Developer/Consultant     <>
46 Elderwood Place, Elder Road. SE27 0HL
Tel. +44 (0) 20 8761 7249	    Mob. 077 9046 9203

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