[GZG] Keeping games moving Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 08:51:31 -0600
Subject: [GZG] Keeping games moving Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
>I think staying on top of the action and being an actively involved GM
>important; I really tried to keep up the pace in my game
Excellent point! It really helps to have simple rules and set up, but
GM needs to keep the pace up.
Going back to the Aliens board game I run, I tend to be easy on players,
such as no 'bonus bug' rule and fairly forgiving on LOS, but I always
out that it's supposed to be a fast game. In the beginning instructions,
hold the threat of dropping a bug on anyone who does any strategy
or long, thoughtful planning during their turn.
So far, I've never had anyone complain about it, all players seeming to
appreciate that the games keep moving.
I've quoted him before, but it so warms my heart to repeat it, I will.
player, when asked if the game was fun, promptly stated 'It is the way
runs it.'
A question that's GZG-specific: I've always disliked rolling to hit,
to wound/kill, then to save, as being time consuming. Admittedly,
table-lookups can be more time consuming. How do most people find
die rolls and chit pulling for speed? How about the roll table
for chits?