Re: Fighters and Hangers
From: Lachlan Atcliffe <u1m87@u...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 19:57:15 +0000
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers
Ryan Gill wrote:
> The only thing that gets reloaded with big automatic systems is things
> that are always aligned (missile launch rails) or are easy to get
> lined up.
Which brings up the interesting question of just what an FT fighter
carries, and how it carries it. If, say, beamer power packs need to be
recharged/replaced, or missile pods reloaded, there's no reason why it
couldn't be as automated as refuelling - hook fighter to "service
cradle", press buttons. Drop the spent item out and route it to
Ordinance for reloading/charging, shove a new one in.