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Re: Full Thrust rules and where to get them

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 15:59:09 +0000
Subject: Re: Full Thrust rules and where to get them

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 10:45:24AM -0500, John C. Malis wrote:
>I'm interested in playing Full Thrust and need some help on where to
buy the
>current Full Thrust rulebook and the Full Thrust Fleet Book Volume 1. I
>about but would like to get it somewhere state side.

Well, if you're anywhere near Lancaster PA you might want to drop in on
the convention this weekend...

Generally FT rule books aren't very available in the USA, but as many
American gamers can attest the service from GZG in the UK is often both
faster and cheaper than from a mail-order house in the USA.

>Also, what is
>the latest version of the rule book? Is it the second edition? Is there
>new version on the horizon? Thanks for the help.

The current version of the rules is Full Thrust Second Edition plus both
Fleet Books - Fleet Book 1 replaced the ship design system and made
several other important changes, some of which were refined in Fleet
Bool 2.

There is muttering about a new version, but this is not likely to happen
any time soon. Even when it does, the Fleet Books will still be useful
as lists of pre-designed ships.

Hope this helps,


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