Re: Starship Troopers
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 07:02:50 -0600
Subject: Re: Starship Troopers
On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 13:04:59 +0100
(K.H.Ranitzsch) writes:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>> And when a wacko "Bush is a fiscal L-L-L-Liberal" Conservative says
>> that... <grin> Seriously, I never watched the movie but some people
>> it. Or at least they said they did.
>> Something like P.J.'s version of LOTR trilogy...
>I guess this depends on your personal perception, but the LOTR films
>much closer to the Tolkien's books than "Starship troopers" to
>Karl Heinz
That was hyperbolic tongue in cheek (what is the icon for that?) not to
be taken too seriously. Never saw The Movie for S.T. since some pretty
reliable people who regualrly go to movies (I see 2 to 3 a year on a
year) I know actually demanded their money back for the first time ever
(ands they have seen some real dogs.)
I liked LOTR as a stand alone series {"A-"} (well the extended DVD
version of TT and the first movie [both versions, extended much better])
but it was a "C" as a 'book to movie' and a "B" as it was.
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