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RE: (FT) small vs large ships, was YAFS

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 23:22:22 +0100
Subject: RE: (FT) small vs large ships, was YAFS

Binhan Lin wrote:

>Oops, you're right.  I miscalculated the torps as being mass 3.

Mass 2, more likely... unless you planned to make your strikeboats
thrust-4 :-/

>The numbers are just straight firepower - obviously tactics can improve
>negate weapon systems,

And in an analysis like this you have to take tactics into account. How
you say "strikeboats will always beat dreadnoughts" based on a firepower

comparison for an idealized situation, if you have no idea about how
it is for this situation to occur?

>for instance if the larger ships take nothing but Class 1 and 2 beams,
>10 x 20 Mass torpedo boats will win, since they just stand off at 30 MU

>and fire at their heart's content.

Provided that they manage to match speed and course at 30mu against a 
non-cooperating opponent. Easier to do in Vector than in Cinematic, but
quite trivial in either system.

>But as I mentioned in a different thread, a single points costs does
>accurately reflect the combat value of the system, only the POTENTIAL 
>value if used to maximum effect.

Er, no. The points values of the various weapons take the average
of weapon ranges, arcs etc. into account, based on years of experience
several different gaming groups. I suspect that that's why the
seem so overpowered to you - you're looking at their very rarely
*maximum potential* value, whereas the points costs reflect their much 
lower *average* value.

>The question I think people really should be asking is how to give a
>to more intangible values, such as range, differntial damage, and arc
>the weapon (which are partially based on the thrust value and turning 
>ability of the ship) and perhaps a more complicated formula based on
>overall design as a whole should be used, rather than a single plug and

>play modular format.

You're *way* behind, man. I and several others have been asking these
questions for years already (in my case about ten years), and by now we 
have a reasonably good grip on all of them. The "more complicated
you ask for already exists; the reason why it isn't used directly for 
gaming purposes is that Jon wants it to be possible to design FT ships
pen and paper instead of by computer only, so instead it is used
with playtesting) to check how close the design system comes.

FWIW much of the discussion of these questions has taken place on this 
mailing list; searching the list archive for "combat power" should turn
quite a few posts you might find interesting.



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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