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Re: not-Viper was Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW FT SHIPS!!

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 07:34:06 -0600
Subject: Re: not-Viper was Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW FT SHIPS!!

> >What kind of "not_viper"? (i.e. 1978-9 version, 2003 Viper Mk 2 or
> >Viper Mk 7)
> It's SOOOO tiny you really can't tell (or worry....).
> Given that I've only seen the "classic" version, I guess that's what
> it looks like...

I was going to say, at this scale, 1) and 2) are, to me,

Oh, yeah, and that's supposed to be 'I guess that's what it DOESN'T look
like...' ;->=


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