Prev: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing Next: not-Viper was Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW FT SHIPS!!

Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 15:44:12 -0500
Subject: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing

At 12:04 PM -0500 2/4/04, FlakMagnet72 wrote:
>Invader Zim is a twisted cartoon broadcast (at least) in the US.  I
think it's
>on Nickelodeon.  It's great!
>"I'm gonna sing the Doom Song!  Doom-dedoom-doomdoomdoom..." - GIR,
>Zim's robotic assistant, recycled from the garbage-bin.
-		  Data Center Operations Group		      -
-	       -
- Ryan Montieth Gill		       One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
- Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri	    (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc)      -
- Cellular: 404-545-6205	     e-mail: -
- Office: 404-588-6191					       -
-	      Emergency Power-off != Door release!	       -

Prev: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing Next: not-Viper was Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW FT SHIPS!!