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From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 13:19:03 +0000

>Jon T. wrote:
>>New NSL classes:
>>FT 522  NSL Strikeboat (pack of 3)	  £1.50 per pack
>>FT 525  NSL "new construction" Destroyer, Brocken class (pack of 2) 
>>£2.50 per pack
>Um... according to FB1, the Brocken class is a new *BB* class 
>(entered service in 2179).  May I (well, Dean actually <g>) suggest 
>that the new DD is called the Lutzow (or possibly Lützow, I don't 
>remember) instead?

Oh bugger, missed that... well, FB1 was written quite a long time 
ago. Glad someone reads this stuff!  ;-)
[Mind you, I DID check the blurb I'd written on the Waldburg in FB1, 
and was pleased to see that it mentioned a new DD class coming up, so 
that fits....]

OK, will rename the new DD in the lists; Lutzow is as good a name as 
any other, so consider it official.

Guess I'll just have to do a new BB as well now, just to use the name...

Jon (GZG)

>"Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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