Re: Miniatures Storage
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 20:56:17 +0000
Subject: Re: Miniatures Storage
>>If you use pistol cases, keep them out of sight at all times. Another
>>which is about as cheap as a pistol case but more work, is to get your
>>foam and cut sheets to fit in a plastic container (Rubbermaid,
>>etc.). If you're very industrious, you can cut out compartments for
>Ive relatively recently picked up a Sabol Army Transport, after
>years of using Chessex boxes, and Ive gotta say that Im quite
>pleased with it. Great way to transport LOTS of stuff of odd sizes,
>most certainly including Full Thrust ships.
>I need to modify one of the foam trays to hold pencils and dice and
>such at some point before GZGECC, now that I think of it.
Paul, our caster, buys lots of VERY cheap plastic kiddies'
lunch-boxes from a local surplus and cheap stuff store - they are
various sizes, mostly around 10" x 8" x 3" or so. They cost him a
couple of quid each, and usually have some horrible gaudy sticker on
the front that peels off - you're left with a fairly sturdy plastic
case with snap closures and a handle (OK, in a nasty colour of
plastic usually, but at least they are not going to get mistaken for
pistol cases!!) that, with a foam liner added, easily holds either
figures or 2-3 25mm vehicles; I suspect they would also do for
starships with a suitable liner shape. An extra advantage is that
no-one is likely to steal what they probably think contains your
kids' sandwiches and packet of crisps! ;-)
Jon (GZG)
>John Crimmins
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