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Re: FT-Weapon idea MDC

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 15:54:18 +0000
Subject: Re: FT-Weapon idea MDC

On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 10:49:32AM -0500, wrote:
>>The spinal mount laser weapons I can use K-guns for, and the 
>missiles use SMLs, but I am after something different for the MDCs.
>er...a Kgun *is* a mass driver.

A K-gun is a light-fast mass driver (or so I've always seen it - the
lack of a need to track ammo tends to point this way). We don't really 
have rules for a slow-heavy mass driver. It would lose the ability to 
hit over range even faster than a K-gun (so would probably be used most
against stations), have an ammo track similar to that of a missile
magazine, but do serious damage when it hit.



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