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Re: [FT] Memo to St Jon

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 05:45:51 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] Memo to St Jon

>Memo to Jon : What about making this an "official kit", possibly by
>frommaging one of the molds? Maybe one where the detail to be removed
>has already lost its crispness?

Might sound too much like 'order bitz from our boyz' as in the evil
(tm). ;->=

Still, Eric deserves credit for a fine looking special ship; praises for
the fluff, likewise. Why did the name 'Lyran' keep coming into my

>Also, maybe asking which parts of the SDN were missing, and which parts
>were expended in kitbashing, and providing replacements? (see, I know
>how you do business)

With some of the US kits, it was difficult to tell what should have been
there, and what were the assembly steps. And, as he's already used the
extras, he'd just have to figure how to bash with the new stuff. ;->=


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