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Re: GZGs 15 mm Hammers Slammers

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 08:19:13 +0000
Subject: Re: GZGs 15 mm Hammers Slammers

>  >And just to confuse things even more, we've just done the actual FCT
>>infantry in 15mm!  I don't think Paul's got them up on the store site
>>yet, but they are in production and available (SG15-T1)!
>Ok, is that one some of us are 'bespoken for'?

Yes, you faithfully promised to buy 100 packets.....  ;-)

Actually, no. We did these because we thought they'd make good 15mms 
(and we were right!), not because they were customer requests.

Jon (GZG)

>I was about to see if I shouldn't just blow what little cred (can't
>your note of my balance) I have left on an Xmas special, but it sounds
>if you're moving faster than I'd thought on new 15's...
>Note this is not a complaint; delighted my gropos brothers have yet
>fodder to pad our LZ's...
>Anymore on the horizon? And, no, I'm not pushing for small Anerexoids
>Egyptians(Eureka) again. Not yet.

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