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Re: [DS] Battlestar Galactica (SciFi channel Version) Vipers & Raiders

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 07:54:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DS] Battlestar Galactica (SciFi channel Version) Vipers & Raiders

--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> At 3:49 PM -0800 12/10/03, Brian B wrote:
> >
> >Cylon Fighters:
> >Class 5, armor 3.  Superior ECM & Firecon, Stealth
> 4
> >1xHEL-3, 4xGMS/H
> Bump that up to 12 GMS/Hs. I just re-watched the 
> 2nd movie on Tivo and the scene where the cylons 
> show up and blast the 20 sublight ships shows 6 
> missiles per fighter launcher, 12 total from the 
> ship. That could be a total number carried 
> onboard or what they can do in a max salvo. Given 
> their range, you might make them GMS/Ls.

Yeah, there WERE a heck of a lot of them,  you might
want to waive the rule on the limit of # of weapons,
and make it Class 6, 12xGMS/L, and that DF weapon a
class 1.

 *********MINOR SPOILER WARNING********

> I'm not seeing the HEL3 and I'd say they're the same
> side as the Vipers.

In the scene where a Cylon flips to face Starbuck, and
it shows some sort of barrelled weapon, but can't gewt
a lock and doeasn't fire.  We don't know WHAT that
weapon is, so I guessed a HEL.

They definitely struck me as bigger that a Viper, but
not by much -  most of the difference was wingspan.
> Now, don't forget the Raptors.

I didn't, I just didn't bother right now.

> >The cylon jamming capability can be simulated by
> >better stealth levels.  They definitely threw out a
> >lot of missiles, although they were definitely GMS,
> >not SLAM's, and the anti-ship missiles would be
> DFO,
> Well, it doesn't work against the old Vipers, just
> the ViperIIIs.

True, so you might want to use a different mechanic to
simulate it.

"In life, you must try and be the type of person that your dog thinks
you are."

- Anonymous

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