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Re: Superheavy tank conversions

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 12:13:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Superheavy tank conversions

The gaming store doesn't, but the local Toy & Hobby
store has quite a few, including a Leopard II, but I
don't know about Sov otr if they order.  I'm on my
lunch break, I'll take a mosey down there.

--- staremu <> wrote:
> They carry these at your local store?  My local
> shops have diddly for Roco.
> I have loved their stuff since I was a kit with a
> thing for war toys.  Now
> that am I grown-up with a thing for war toys, can't
> find them anywhere.
> Eli

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