Re: Old Crow new 6mm Dropship
From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 08:12:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Old Crow new 6mm Dropship
--- wrote:
> My preference is against true 6mm also. As stated,
> it takes up too much room.
> As of late I have been going with the Battleforce 2
> scale of 1 hex equals 90
> meters. This works out really well since I use a lot
> of Micro Machine
> dropships(Aliens, Starship Troopers) for my DS's.
> The new DS's from IWM also work well
> at this scale.
I have/have had micromachine minis in the past, they
left me feeling a bit ambivalent about them. I prefer
them for fighter/personal shuttle/escape pod type
craft, which I DO tend to run in scale to the grounf
I was in a gaming store the other day and saw a B-Tech
Clix vehicle called a Saxon hover APC, it looks
perfect as a laning craft.
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