Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making,
From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 09:47:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making,
--- Alan and Carmel Brain <>
> But Hawai'i could use the standard tactic that the
> OU uses in space.
> Note to Japanese Ambassador "The OU is pressuring us
> to give up Midway to
> them. Will you support us?"
> Note to OU Ambassador "Japan is pressuring us to
> give up Midway to
> them. Will you support us?"
> Note to both "Whoever makes the first move, we'll
> make sure the other
> side gets it. We're small, but we're closer, and
> would tip the balance."
> In fact, a de-jure Independent Hawai'i makes sense,
> even if it's split
> between 45% ethnic Japanese, 45% ethnic
> Polynesians/OU, and 10% ex-US
> who think the whole NAC Royalty business is bosh,
> and still support
> the US Constitution. De-facto, a co-dominium, and
> Free Trade Area with
> FCT. Some will want anschluss with the OU. Some will
> want anschluss
> with Japan. Some will even want anschluss with Free
> Cal-Tex. But only
> a few extremist ratbags would fight about it.
> (Plenty of scope for
> SG2, DS2 and FT3 scenarios involving such extremist
> ratbags of course)
I like that idea even better than mine, or maybe a
combination of the two! Works even in a different setting.
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fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life." -- John A.
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