RE: [FT] Jump Point
From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 07:59:18 -0400
Subject: RE: [FT] Jump Point
From Laserlight:
> Let's assume that the jump limit for a star is based on the square
> root of the mass (with Sol set as 1)--this way gas giants and planets
> can also have jump limits. How far out from the sun should the jump
> limit be?
If we say 1km/
Sun: Mass ~ 2e30 kg, Sqrt = 1.4 e15:
Assume that Hyperlimit = Sqrt(mass)/Factor in km:
Factor = 1e8 =: ~14 AU, which is outside the orbit of Saturn
Factor = 2e8: = ~7 AU, which is Between Saturn and Jupiter
Factor = 3e8: = ~4.7 AU, which is "just" inside Jupiter's orbit
Taking either of the last two and 1mu = 1000 km
Jupiter: Mass ~1.9e27 kg, Sqrt = 4.4e13
Factor = 2e8: = ~220 MU
Factor = 3e8: = ~147 MU
Earth: Mass ~6e24 kg, Sqrt = 4.4e13
Factor = 2e8: = ~12 MU
Factor = 3e8: = ~8 MU
Mars - About an MU either way.
What's going to govern in-system jumps? Say you have to stop at the
solar hyperlimit. Can you then jump to a planet's hyperlimit?
If you force Earth's limit to be about 10x or more than these
calculations, the solar hyperlimit goes out to beyond pluto, unless you
add further non-linearity to the equation.
Here's a very ugly exponential:
Dist (MU) =73.568*e^(4.8643e-15* (Sqrt(mass)))
WHich gives:
Earth = 74.5 MU
Jupiter = 613 MU
Sol = 70,164 (Inside Jupiter'sorbit, outside the main belt.
Zone Miner Garb (what Noam R. Izenberg wears in the Zone MInes)