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Re: Cold War Over??? and [FW] Messages...

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 17:40:37 -0500
Subject: Re: Cold War Over??? and [FW] Messages...

>Hey, don't forget the Frogs!

Haven't you been watching the news? They're our friends again, er,

Seriously, while she may be a harbor chick now, I've never forgotten
the Statue of Liberty immigrated from France.

Bon chance, buckaroos!

>Actually, go ahead and send it--but just to him, not the list.  It'll
>help keep him from being bored. :-)

'long as it doesn't distract from watching for those mines. Damn keep
head down AND watch where you step...

Live forever, A.P.E.


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