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Re: New KV

From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 07:41:03 -0500
Subject: Re: New KV

On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:44:38 +0100 Ground Zero Games <>
>>How are these ships sculpted anyway? I know that GHQ models are
>>sculped in a bigger scale and then scaled down using some sort of
>>magic machine. Or do you just sculpt them in their final size.
>>I am just curious as some models have teensy weensy details.
>If Oerjan doesn't mind me jumping in and answering for him:
>All the FT minis (Oerjan's, mine, the original CMD ones etc) are done
>actual-size, in styrene plastic (sheet, rod and strip plastic). All 
>tiny details are added from tiny slivers of plastic strip etc.! It's 
>that hard, just a bit fiddly and time-consuming!!
>Jon (GZG)

Very, very cool.  (most of my GZG ships (Sorry, Jon, so far via Ebay but
I intend to buy more direct in the future) are NAC with a few ESU - all
except for a blister of Vandenbergs are "light" units.)  Started with
some second hand Star Blazer ships and built beads designs.  Use those
ships mostly for the "Gray bordering on Black" hat People's Holy
fighting the "Very light Gray" Native People's Circle and the "Slightly
less light Gray" League of Latino People forces.  Bead ships are
semi-retired currently (but there are plans...)  Must mention Brigade
star ships - have a very few of those but they are also slated to grow
the LLP fleet because I thing they have good designs that reflect the
common origin of the NAC sponsored NPC/LLP shipyards.

Between Brigade for Spaceships for FT and VSF and GZG for DS 2 and FT
(Stargrunt stuff is Very, very small (hardly even two sides worth for a 
_small_  scenario if you don't count the "Mice in Space" figures) and
slated to grow much in foreseeable future) I pretty much have become a
two source person for SF games.

But then I guess my sig block says it all...

Hx, SF, and Fx: 6 mm figures, Starships and 1:6K "Wet Navy" warships 
are my main interest.


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