Re: [SGII] Electronic Warfare
From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@h...>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:56:03 -0500
Subject: Re: [SGII] Electronic Warfare
On 23 Sep 2003 at 10:15, Ian Fletcher wrote:
> Having read through the rulebook, and played a couple of games (a fair
> while ago, admittedly) I came across the Electronic Warfare section.
> Very useful looking, given how powerful command units are, however I
> was wondering - is there actually any value in having your EW rig
> switched off?
The EW rules are perhaps the worst written part of the book. The
value of having the EW rigs turned on is explained, but there is no
explanation as to whether or not it costs an action to turn it on and
whether or not there is a downside to having it on or an upside to
having it off.
It's been mentioned here before, but Jon T. hasn't weighed in with a
ruling and no consensus has ever been reached.
There are two typical house rules to fix this problem. One is to
require the activation of the set to cost an action, with some other
effects thrown in. This has a certain appeal, but it also usually
means that the TO&E in the back of the book are badly hobbled due to
the EW unit being part of the command squad. For this reason, players
using this option usually split off the EW personnel from the command
A second rule is much simpler: just allow the EW set to go active
automatically as soon as the unit with the EW set is activated. So,
if it's the command squad, the player gets the 3 EW chits whenever
the command squad is activated. This has a couple of benefits in game
play: it's quick (and goodness knows SG2 doesn't need anything _else_
slowing it down) and it requires the player to make an important
tactical decision regarding when he should activate the command unit.
Both of these are detailed in the house rule section of my web site.
You'll find, if you go there, that the EW rules aren't the only
section that need clarification. There are also problems in the
artillery rules, allocating casualties, vehicle loading and
unloading, and bailing out of vehicles. You can see how I handle
these, and usually an explanation for my interpretation, at:
My site also has the _Stargrunt II Index_, which makes navigating the
rule book a lot easier.
I hope this helps.
Allan Goodall
The only normal people are the ones you don't know
well! - Joe Ancis