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[OFFICIAL] New stuff- Slammers, Phalons and K'V!!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:21:18 +0100
Subject: [OFFICIAL] New stuff- Slammers, Phalons and K'V!!

Just to update everyone, TWO packs of 15mm Slammers troops are now out
(SG15-HS1 with open visors, 15-HS2 with closed). Each pack has one
trooper/NCO with SMG, one officer/crewman with pistol, one trooper
with buzzbomb, one trooper with grenade launcher and four 2cm powergun
riflemen (2 each of 2 poses). All at usual 2.50 UKP per pack.

And.... the 15mm PHALONS are now out and available! 8 of the
little Shellies - 4 with hand weapon, 1 leader with hand weapon, 1 with
multilauncher, 1 with support weapon, 1 with plasma projector.
2.50 UKP per pack.

In the 25/28mm SL range, we have SL-32, "Female Crimefighting Trio in
catsuits" - I'm sure you can all think of plenty of uses for these...!
is "posing", hands on hips, one in martial-arts stance and one running.
Very nice figures in all senses, probably of the best female figs that
Martin has done for us. 3.00 UKP per pack of 3.

Last but not least, more NEW KRA'VAK FT SHIPS sculpted by Oerjan!
Just available are:

FT422	NEW Kra'Vak Heavy Fighter type (pack of 6)	1.00 UKP

FT423	NEW Kra'Vak Heavy Striker (pack of 2)		2.00 UKP

FT 431	NEW Kra'Vak Heavy Battleship			5.00 UKP

These are VERY nice, and well up to the standard set by Oerjan's recent
FT425 DD release!

Some of these are already up on the webstore, the rest should be added
soon (Paul's workload permitting....) - so ready the credit cards!

Best to all,

Jon (GZG)

PS: Those of you who were on the webstore announcement mailing list
note: apparently Paul has had some problems and lost the addresses file
somewhere, so will everyone interested please RE-SUBSCRIBE via the

PPS: All of you who put your names down for the Slammers and Phalons in
15mm - we're waiting for your orders.....  <GRIN>.

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