Re: play style and leaving board question
From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 17:02:38 -0500
Subject: Re: play style and leaving board question
Noam Izenberg wrote:
> Jared Hilal wrote:
>> To me, "facing more or less towards one another" means that the
>> are within 60 degrees of parallel and also in opposite directions.
> I think this is a good example of the communication difficulty in this
> entire series of threads. I would never consider ships that are 120
> degrees divergent (even 90 degrees divergent) from parallel to be
> "facing more or less towards one another". This particular range is
> described more accurately by "facing more (at 120 degrees) or less (at
> 95 degrees) _away_ from one another." Only the 90 degree divergent
> case is equally "towards" or "away, " (and assuming that one force
> does not start in the FH arc of the other) but the best term for that
> is "orthogonal".
I meant 60 degrees total, not 60 degrees each. I.e. If you drew the
courses as infinite lines, their angle of incidence would be 60 degrees
or less. I did not mean that each course was +/- 60 degrees from a
third (reference) line.