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Re: FT: Vortex gravity gradient question

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (kh.ranitzsch)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 07:20:08 +0200
Subject: Re: FT: Vortex gravity gradient question

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Evans" <>
> Thanks, Karl, for pointing out something I started to jump on. From
> Hole, to Wing Commander, the point has been that the only major
> between these bodies on passing ships is that you may be able get
> enough to a black hole to the point where tidal forces are more
> than EM output (light, heat, hard radiation, etc.).
> Course, the really big singularities, 'eats suns for breakfast',
appear to
> have accretion disks that give off enough energy approaching the event
> horizon to negate this.
> Or is my own Saturday morning physics way off base?

No, you are quite right.

I must say that I had forgotten about the tidal effects and the

In game ters, you might want to define a zone around your black hole
where a
ship may be damaged rather than destroyed outright. Treat a ship that
that zone as if the black hole were firing a beam weapon (or whatever
you chose for your rule) at it.

Further in, it would be destroyed, of course.

Karl Heinz

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