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[OT] Obscure quotes Re: Re: Cinematic vs. Vector movement

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:25:16 -0500
Subject: [OT] Obscure quotes Re: Re: Cinematic vs. Vector movement

>Early Blackadder (season 1?). Baldrick asks Blackadder which codpiece
>like to wear today....
>May not be a wordperfect quote, it's from memory, but you get the

Funny, I tend to avoid all things Atkinson, and yet I guessed it might
that. You can't charge my distaste to a lack of understanding or

The 'beautiful plumage', should someone find THAT obscure, was an
homage to Monty Python's Parrot Sketch.


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