Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)
From: "Don Maddox" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:30:51 -0700
Subject: Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)
I want to make sure that SGII is the rule set I want before shelling out
money and trying to sell it to my normal opponents.
Well Aaron as someone with over 200 beakies (Space Marines) and about
the same in Imperial Guard and Dark Eldar. I can tell you SGII is a far
realistic and allot more logical! The Other reason to love SGII is you
can use
anything you own, in other words there is no mandatory "Chapter Approved
Also keep those Heavy Gear miniatures they make Power Armor/
The main thing is SGII allows you (I'd say even encourages you) to form
your on
MTOs and kit bash to your harts content......)