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OT Chupacabra!

From: "Bob" <raminad@e...>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 06:42:46 -0400
Subject: OT Chupacabra!

(Rousing from a long slumber...)

A while ago there was a rousing discussion among the Chupacabristas on
list. For those so inclined I submit the following.

Recently received my copy of "Mammalian Mayhem" written by Chris Peers
published by The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company (HLBS).

The rules are a skirmish set covering big game hunting in the Victorian
but only against those animals known to fight back.

Most of the animals are what you would expect. As a bonus, stats for
pre-historic and cryptozoological (sp?) mammals are included. I am very
pleased to say the Chupacabra is among them.

Haven't tried one yet but my Lakota hunter was savaged by a Grizz my
time out. Great fun and lots of character to the rules. Simple enough
my 7 year old daughter was able to play the Grizz after little
Of course she's been playing skirmish games since she was 4, but I think
most kids could pick it up.

Baddawg has nothing but good things to say about the related rules for
dinosaur hunting, "Saurian Safari", which at least can lay some claim to
being Sci Fi and vaguely on topic ;)


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