Prev: OGRE in DS2 (was RE: War of the Worlds in DS2) Next: Power Projection


From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 09:11:33 -0500 (CDT)

GERMY,	there are some things that would  make 25mm GERMTOWN even more
wonderful than it is.

how about;

a.  a heliport, control tower and landing pad? 

b.  hangar building   to park in/perform maintenance on those  civvie

c.  a medical/dental clinic.

d.   barracks buildings for  those soldiers to	live in.

e.   an advanced planetary exploration base.

f.   quonset style maintenance huts.

g.   a small spaceport or shuttleport facility.

i am sure that other folks could think	of some other things, but these
are things that come to mind after playing with those beautiful
GERMTOWN buildings.

DAWGIE forever greatful for GERM -TOWN freebies . . .

Prev: OGRE in DS2 (was RE: War of the Worlds in DS2) Next: Power Projection