Re: [OT] Star Frontier Mini history Re: [eBay] White Stars Price Problem + Last Day
From: "Don Maddox" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 20:12:37 -0700
Subject: Re: [OT] Star Frontier Mini history Re: [eBay] White Stars Price Problem + Last Day
Please remember these are somewhat notorious for lead rot; it's a
to purchase these from Allan as he's already opened the boxes, and
yet, painted some.
Oh yeah I know.....( They also miss pack thier boxes at times.
I saw Titan Games selling the large boxes for $5 at Origins. So, be
before you go for them in shrink, though Flak's a heck of a guy to make
I've plenty in box, too. I've been shy about opening them because a) I
don't like my paint jobs, b) just as soon as not open until I'm certain
they WILL be painted, and c) fear finding a box full of grey dust...
I have 3 boxes of the Sathar (all in good shape) waiting in the ever
growing "needs paint" line up...)