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Re:(FT) Comm. Brk. DLD at it again? Or still?

From: "David L. Dunn - DLD Productions" <david@d...>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 00:17:10 -0700
Subject: Re:(FT) Comm. Brk. DLD at it again? Or still?

Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:28:27 -0400
From: Flak Magnet <>
Subject: DLD is at it again!

I just saw this on I'm surprised I didn't get
it from
this list...
- --
- --Flak Magnet
You give me space to belong to myself yet without separating me
from your own life.  May it all turn out to your happiness.
		-- Goethe


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 21:17:35 -0500
From: Doug Evans <>
Subject: Re: DLD is at it again!

Thanks, Flak!

Someone was just today mentioning 'Blanks', and I thought they were
about the generic modular ships. However, that term gave me a mental
I purely thank you for scratching!

Just when you think the Evil Empire has gone over the top, someone comes
along and trumps 'em. ;->= Those Eagle and Mortis are whack!

Sorry 'bout that Flak a bit side tracked today.  I think
it's the heat! Ack!

Didn't think the "BFG Blanks" would go over well on a "GZG list",
don'tcha know. :-o
Yeah...the Eagle is a bit "cartoonish", but hey, it works. Besides,
don't like it? Don't use it.
It's a separate piece. So you don't even have to glue it on. If you're
good at sculpting, you can fashion your own "prow" design....Hey there's
a thought! Designer Prows by, (insert any name here.) Oi!

Well, anyway the Transport Ships II are out as well as the Bulk


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