Prev: Re: Just painted some 6mm armour using Oils Next: [FT] Exactly how popular is Full Thrust?

Was, Re: [OT] Another Birthday Now, Bugged!

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 11:18:14 +0000
Subject: Was, Re: [OT] Another Birthday Now, Bugged!

>Hang on do my eyes deceive me or did you just volunteer to play test
>newer version :)

One volunteer to play test the new "Bugged!" reporting for duty.
Kit-wise, I 
have 10 Aliens, 25 Space Marines (sorry, "Rangers..." nothgn to do with 
space marines honest ;-) and quite a lot of SGII style forces. And a
oponent until about mid August, after that I may be on my own
I may be elbow deep in teenage mancunians wanting to play... I don't

Contact me off-list if I can help


P.s. pretty please with a cherry on top

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