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Re: [OFFICIAL] Still the Best!! ;-)

From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:11:35 PDT
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Still the Best!! ;-)

So, between GZG and Brigade did anyone else win an award?

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 15:41:11 +0100 Ground Zero Games <>
>Hi all,
>Not wanting to blow our own trumpet TOO much, but just wanted to let 
>know that the SFSFW Awards were presented yesterday at Bifrost, the
>Society's annual show, and we won three of them!
>First places in:
>Best Science-Fiction manufacturer for figures 25mm and larger
>Best Science-Fiction manufacturer for figures 20mm and smaller
>and the best of all....
>Best Science-Fiction Rules Set, for Full Thrust!
>This means that FT has won this award EVERY TIME it has been presented 
>awards lapsed for a few years, but have now been re-instated) - not 
>bad for
>a 12-year-old rules set.....  ;-)
>Needless to say, we're well chuffed!  :-)
>Jon (GZG)

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Prev: Re: [OT/SG] Irregular Miniatures' 15mm "Star Marines" -- anyone have pictures? Next: Re: Just painted some 6mm armour using Oils