Re: [FT] Fighter descriptions
From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrathwiz@c...>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 19:51:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Fighter descriptions
Noam Izenberg wrote:
> Nyrath - I really like your fighter simplifications.
Why, thank you!
I had tried using "s" for standard, but
it seemed hard to read. I dunno.
I agree that it does a better job of
highlighting the differences. Perhaps
both can be allowed?
How about this?
N x M/S/Ea(d)-f
N: number of fighters in group
M: initial movement
S: secondary movement
E: endurance
a: list of advantages
d: list of disadvantages
f: list of forbidden
Frame: standard fighters take damage as if they had level 0 screens.
H: heavy advantage, take damage as if they had level 1 screens.
Anti-ship: standard fighters attack ships with class 1 beams
A: attack advantage, class 1 beams, +1 to die roll.
(A): attack disadvantage, roll of 6 will destroy one armor
or hull, all other rolls no effect.
-A: attack forbidden, may not attack ships at all.
Torpedo: standard ships have no torpedoes
T: torpedo advantage, fighter has 1 shot torpedo,
roll 4+ to hit, does 1d6 plasma damage
Anti-fighter: standard fighters attack fighter groups with
class 1 beams
I: interceptor advantage, class 1 beam, +1 to die roll.
(I): interceptor disadvantage, roll of 6 will destroy one fighter,
all other rolls are no effect.
-I: interceptor forbidden: may not attack fighters at all.
Standard: 6 x 24/12/6
Heavy: 6 x 24/12/6H
Fast: 6 x 36/12/6
Long Range: 6 x 24/12/9
Attack: 6 x 24/12/6A(I)
Interceptor: 6 x 24/12/6I-A
Torpedo: 6 X 24/12/6T(I)-A
B5 Thunderbolt 6 x 24/12/6T
BG Viper 6 x 24/24/6
NI Bard'las 6 x 24/12/6H
NI Ashan 6 x 24/12/6HA(I)
NI Chermesh 6 x 24/12/6HI-A
TIE V2 12 x 24/12/6(I)-A