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FMA Thrust v0.5

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 00:09:34 -0400
Subject: FMA Thrust v0.5

(That's "0.5" as in "half-baked")

FMA Thrust is a way to resolve large battles quickly, while still
claiming something marginally related to a semblance of the results
that a FT battle might	give.  Mechanics, such as they are, are lifted
from StarGrunt.  Comments welcome.

Ships have hull blocks based on Mass/40.
Add up the mass of all weapons, divide by the number of blocks to get
Quality die is 2 x (Turning ability + 1/2 Thrust)--shift up or down if
crack or green crew.
Armor die is based on the percentage of hull+armor--10% is d4, 20% is
d6 and so on.

Example: battleship Nasr ed Din is mass 120 so has 3 hull blocks.  It
as 30 Mass of weapons so firepower is 3d10.  Main Drive 4 and a normal
Human drive so turning ability is 2, which gives a QD of 2 x (2+2) =
d8.  30 Hull + 7 armor divided by 120 mass is about 30% so d8 Armor

Combat resolution similar to the Quick and Dirty SG rules.  Roll QD
and FP dice vs defender's range die [and/or quality die?  insert
Handwave here].  If minor hit, a hull block is out of action.  If
major hit, sum the FP dice, subtract range [handwave, handwave],
divide by Armor die type and get the number of hull blocks destroyed.

Ships can fire on multiple targets but your chances of getting a major
hit go up substantially with each extra FP die.

At some point I'll separate out placed ordnance (SMR, PBL) and
fighters and do something like StarGrunt's missile-vs-ECM roll; and
we'll account for Ptorps vs screens, and non-human weapons, and so
forth.	Meanwhile, 'm awaiting your input...

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