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Re: Software Projects

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 21:40:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Software Projects

Dominic Mooney wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 22:29 Europe/London, Laserlight wrote:
> >>> systems.	A PP "plugin" is feasible, but non-trivial.
> >
> > "Feasible, but non trivial"--does that mean it'll be ready tomorrow?
> > <vbg>
> I suspect that a big stumbling block will be the 2ndry weapons tables
> (used for lasers, missiles, energy weapons and small PAs and Meson
> Guns).

:-)  Says you!	That's why we're using object oriented coding...

Let's see:
      Task		    Degree of difficulty
p.8 - Structure boxes	  - done
      Fuel boxes	  - minor
      Drives		  - np
      Bridge		  - minor
p 9.  Configuration	  - minor
      Streamlining	  - np
      Agility		  - minor
      Frozen watch	  - minor
p 13. Sandclouds	  - major
      Nuclear detonations - major
      Vector movement	  - done
      Gravity		  - major
p 30. Fire arcs 	  - done
p 31. Weapon ranges	  - trivial
p 31. Range modifiers	  - major
p 33. Spinal arc	  - minor
      Charged weapons	  - done
      Crew quality	  - minor
p 37. Secondary weapons   - minor
  38  Sandcaster effects  - minor
p 41  Missiles		  - major
      Damage resolution   - done
      Catastrophic damage - minor
p 48  Damage control	  - done
      Graphic SSD display - major

The use of space terrain and sandcasters is new and the tracing
of lines of fire is new to FTJava and would be a major task.
I know the math; I wrote image ray tracing code for my Master's
thesis.  It'd take time to write and debug.


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