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Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1602

From: "Scott Clinton" <grumbling_grognard@h...>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 12:21:20 -0500
Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1602

<   Here is a loaded question (on this list at least <g>)   >

Has anyone tried Reaper's CAV?

The company is just up the road thus they have a decent following in the

area.  But, I know zilch about it.  It seems to be a bit more
type-soft sci-fi to me.  Is that a fair evaluation?

How does it compare to DSII?  DSII and SGII are all but unheard of for
most part in D/FW.   :-(

Just wonder'in,
The Grumbling Grognard

>From: owner-gzg-digest@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU (The GZG Digest)
>To: gzg-digest@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject: The GZG Digest V2 #1602
>Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 23:00:03 -0700 (PDT)
>The GZG Digest 	Saturday, May 3 2003	     Volume 02 : Number
>The following subjects are discussed in this issue:
>  -
>Re: Scotia SF Infantry
>Re: [DS, SG] O RATS!
>Re: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Pictures!! was: Scotia SF Infantry
>RE: [6mm_Miniatures] Scotia SF Infantry
>RE: When is a "dolphin" not a Dolphin
>Software Projects
>Re: Software Projects
>Re: Software Projects
>Re: Software Projects
>Re: Software Projects
>Re: Software Projects
>  -
>See the end of the digest for information on unsubscribing to the
>GZG digest list, or subscribing to the GZG main list.
>  -
>Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 06:17:55 PDT
>From: Glenn M Wilson <>
>Subject: Re: Scotia SF Infantry
>On Fri, 2 May 2003 20:15:01 -0700 (PDT) Brian Burger
><> writes:
><snip list>
> >
> >I have an entire Orbital Assualt Battalion composed of either SF1003
> >or
> >SF1006 - can't remember which and I don't know the difference. Nice
> >figures, only one pose, about 7 or 8mm tall, cleanly sculpted & cast.
> >Individually cast, so you'll need to provide bases for your DS
> >
> >> SF1008	Combat Powered trooper (1)		GBP 0.32 *
> >> SF1009	Combat Powered Commander (1)	GBP 0.32 *
> >> SF10010	Combat powered Hvy Wpn (1)		GBP 0.32
> >
> >These guys are basically Infantry Walkers, in DS terms. That Orbital
> >Assault Batt I've got has two Companies worth of these. "Egghead"
> >style
> >walkers, roughly ovoid bodies, no seperate heads, hunchbacked look.
> >Again,
> >nice clean sculpts, but only one pose per type.
> >
> >All of them have a light gun of some sort as one arm; IIRC the
> >Commander
> >has a more complex backpack unit with an antenna, while the Hvy Wpn
> >has a
> >sort of vertical tube sticking out of a larger 'backpack' - vertical
> >launch GMS/L, I decided they were.
> >
> >> Start tape:  ", is it too much to ask for pictures..."
> >End
> >> tape
> >
> >I don't have closeups, but:
> >
> >
> >The 2nd pic has PA on either side of the four superheavy tanks at
> >centre,
> >and behind them at the rear edge of the middle woods are three of the
> >Infantry Walkers - one of them already burning...
> >
> >Oh, and the flat bases with cast-on figures are SF1004 Heavy Weapons
> >basically a GMS/L & two-man team all cast onto the same base.
> >
> >Very nice figures, all of them.
> >
> >Brian.
> >
> >
> >
>I appreciate the info.  I will try and get to library today or from
>Monday and check out the URLs.
>6 mm miniatures rule!
>R.I.P. and
>The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
>Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
>Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
>Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 11:52:39 -0400
>From: Ray Forsythe <>
>Subject: Re: [DS, SG] O RATS!
>Glenn M Wilson wrote:
> > On Fri, 02 May 2003 20:23:03 -0400 Ray Forsythe
> > writes:
> >
> >>Christopher Downes-Ward wrote:
> >>>
> >>>M82 Ridgeway RATS Size 1 infantry walker, HMT Engine, Superior fire
> >>>control, Superior ECM, 1 Armour, HVC/2 in turret, APSW, immune to 
> >>>checks.
> >>>Comments: HVC/2 is not legal but an HVC/3 would be too big.
> >>
> >>Don't walkers get a 180 front arc for class*2 instead of class*3?
> >>
> >
> > Size 1 - 5 capacity.
> >
> > HVC/3 *2 = 6 capacity.
> >
> > 6 > 5
> >
> > RFAC/2 would work.
>I was thinking "oh, wait, it's a class two, that's legal."  That it's a

>two *HVC* sorta breezed on past.
>- --
>Ray Forsythe - -
>Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 17:40:48 PDT
>From: Glenn M Wilson <>
>Subject: Re: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Pictures!! was: Scotia SF Infantry
>On Sat, 03 May 2003 16:54:15 -0000 "David Demiurg Fransson"
><> writes:
> >It is strange that Scotia, who has an extensive range of SF
> >microarmour at a very attractive price has NO pictures what so ever.
> >mean, it isn't that hard to put the miniatures in a scanner. Even bad
> >pictures are better than no pictures.
> >
>No pictures or at best incompletely pictured ranges  seem to be the
>  Expense maybe is a factor.
> >If they sent me one of each model I would paint them, photograph them
> >before and after, in B/W and colour for them. I could even pay a
> >amount for it, just so that their would-be customers get pictures of
> >them.
> >
>Well, that is an offer you should make them.  Maybe they'll like it
>enough to let you do that.
> >One cannot expect us to buy unseen models. When SF-gaming "Image is
> >everything", so an ugly model (or one with the wrong feel) is a model
> >one will not use.
> >
>Actually a lot of companies seem to sell figures without pictures, just
>not to me most of the time.
> >I cannot tell you about the figures, but I hope anyone else could
> >us about them, as I'm interested in them as well.
> >
> >//David
> >
>The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
>Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
>Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
>Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 17:40:48 PDT
>From: Glenn M Wilson <>
>Subject: RE: [6mm_Miniatures] Scotia SF Infantry
>- --------- Begin forwarded message ----------
>- --------- Begin forwarded message ----------
>From: "Maksim-Smelchak" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: [6mm_Miniatures] Scotia SF Infantry
>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 20:18:13 -0700
>Message-ID: <>
><snip> The good news:
>I have them all.
>There is a photo attachment of what I believe to be SF1003 to SF10010.
>Actually, I'm not sure which one is which since I bought them
>but the three large figures in front are definitely SF-1008 to
>The ones in the back are probably a mix of SF1003 to SF1004 and SF-1006
>I also included aphot of some Stompas I customized.
>Shabbat Shalom,
>Now, The Bad News -
>I use Juno (free level) and it turned the photo into... "characters..."
>Aaaargh!  <gnashing of teeth>
>I have suggested that he send it to my work e-mail or post it on the 6
>list.	Depending on his time and resources he may be able to honor that
>There is hope....
>6 mm miniatures rule!
>R.I.P. and
>- --------- End forwarded message ----------
>The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
>Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
>Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
>Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 11:17:18 +1000
>Subject: RE: When is a "dolphin" not a Dolphin
> > The klackons are more attuned to spend time in shallows
> > (well, shallow to them) waters with frequent forays unto land.
>Do they wear suits for this? Just curious as horse sized crustacean
>unheard off (ancient sea scorpions were that big) its supporting
>out of the water that would get difficult (in theory there's non around
>these days to actually see for sure).
> > The big difference is that the 'dolphins' can (although very
> > seldom do) spend time on land for short periods.
>When you get into this look up the early whales (still in the
>from land to sea) they're probably more like what you're after....
>mammal with crocodile-like habits as far as they can figure.
> > Only a few of the very young and most adventurous spend
> > more than part of a day on land (due to extreme conditions - well,
> > extreme for them - and a history of having some of such adventurous
> > sub-adults dying on such excursions.)
>So the young do it for excitement and the older know better?
> > 2) Well, I'm a Regional Analyst and not a marine biologist...
>Well we'll have that corrected one day ;)
>Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 21:53:46 -0500
>From: "Stuart Ford" <>
>Subject: Software Projects
>Howdy All,
>I've been lurking for ages and I finally have time to work on my own
>projects now.
>Is anyone else currently working on an online version of any of Jon's 
>I've been planning on creatomg a live version of Full Thrust for over a

>but i'm open to changing my plans.  Which game would have more apeal to
>community...  FT, DS2 or SG2?	 The sofware will be free and only made
>available to those on the list.
>Just asking...I don't want to duplicate anyone elses efforts and steal 
>Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 23:01:54 -0400
>From: "Laserlight" <>
>Subject: Re: Software Projects
> > I've been planning on creatomg a live version of Full Thrust for
>over a year
> > but i'm open to changing my plans.	Which game would have more apeal
>to the
> > community...  FT, DS2 or SG2?   The sofware will be free and only
> > available to those on the list.
>FTJava is being tested.  SGJava, or something along those lines, would
>be much appreciated....
>Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 20:12:37 -0700
>From: Tony Christney <>
>Subject: Re: Software Projects
>To further that, FTJava can be found at:
>It is getting better every day!
>Tony Christney
>On Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 08:01 PM, Laserlight wrote:
> >> I've been planning on creatomg a live version of Full Thrust for
> > over a year
> >> but i'm open to changing my plans.  Which game would have more
> > to the
> >> community...  FT, DS2 or SG2?   The sofware will be free and only
> > made
> >> available to those on the list.
> >
> > FTJava is being tested.  SGJava, or something along those lines,
> > be much appreciated....
> >
>Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 15:49:15 +1200
>From: "Andrew Martin" <>
>Subject: Re: Software Projects
>Stuart wrote:
> > Which game would have more appeal to the community:  FT, DS2 or SG2?
>While I'd love a DS2 version, I think that a FT version would be easier
>more popular.
>Andrew Martin
>ICQ: 26227169
>- -><-
>Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 23:57:37 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Dances With Rocks <>
>Subject: Re: Software Projects
>On Sun, 4 May 2003, Andrew Martin wrote:
> > Stuart wrote:
> > > Which game would have more appeal to the community:  FT, DS2 or
> >
> > While I'd love a DS2 version, I think that a FT version would be
> > more popular.
>As noted in other posts, FTJava is being worked on (and echoing
>Tony, is getting better all the time :-), so I'll add in a second
>vote for a DS2 game (DS2Java?).  :-)
>Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 14:17:30 +1000
>From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <>
>Subject: Re: Software Projects
>My Wishlist....
>A Campaign Aid for FT. One with a 3D strategic map, and which
>allows delayed orders and information, and multiple players
>on the same side.
>CiC is 6 Parsecs (6 weeks) away from Fleet 1, and 8 from
>Fleet 2. Fleet 2 fights a battle, the CiC only knows
>about it 8 weeks later. He issues orders to Fleet 1 to
>go assist, which Fleet 1 gets 6 weeks later, and then
>takes the somewhere-between-2-and-14 weeks to get there,
>a delay of 16-28 weeks in toto.
>(This assumes lots of small message torpedos or couriers
>that are capable of FTL travel at 1 parsec/week until
>they get in-system, then broadcast via EM radiation with
>no effective delay).
>Options for combat would be to abstract it, let the
>computer handle it, or notify via e-mail to any of a
>list of players that a scenario is available, and would
>they be willing to play.
>This could be played with 1 player on each side as the
>CiC, and multiple players with a degree of autonomy over
>local forces reporting to him.
>Many star systems would be "contested" with forces from
>both sides present, neither with a significant enough
>advantage to force the other side to battle, except by
>mutual agreement. But similarly, to effectively blockade
>a system, you'd either have to have forces in the "inner
>zone" where FTL escape isn't possible, but where all the
>planets are, or enough forces to cover all ( 6? ) outer
>zones, where FTL escape is possible, but you'd need
>approximate equality to the enemy, who could be in any
>one (or more) of them.
>This can be abstracted to a 2-D paper game, but with some
>difficulty - you'd need a referee.
>End of The GZG Digest V2 #1602
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