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RE: When is a "dolphin" not a Dolphin

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 11:17:18 +1000
Subject: RE: When is a "dolphin" not a Dolphin


> The klackons are more attuned to spend time in shallows 
> (well, shallow to them) waters with frequent forays unto land.

Do they wear suits for this? Just curious as horse sized crustacean
unheard off (ancient sea scorpions were that big) its supporting
out of the water that would get difficult (in theory there's non around
these days to actually see for sure).

> The big difference is that the 'dolphins' can (although very 
> seldom do) spend time on land for short periods. 

When you get into this look up the early whales (still in the transition
from land to sea) they're probably more like what you're after.... think
mammal with crocodile-like habits as far as they can figure.

> Only a few of the very young and most adventurous spend
> more than part of a day on land (due to extreme conditions - well,
> extreme for them - and a history of having some of such adventurous
> sub-adults dying on such excursions.)

So the young do it for excitement and the older know better? 
> 2) Well, I'm a Regional Analyst and not a marine biologist...

Well we'll have that corrected one day ;)



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