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Re: Scotia SF Infantry

From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 06:17:55 PDT
Subject: Re: Scotia SF Infantry

On Fri, 2 May 2003 20:15:01 -0700 (PDT) Brian Burger
<> writes:
<snip list>
>I have an entire Orbital Assualt Battalion composed of either SF1003 
>SF1006 - can't remember which and I don't know the difference. Nice
>figures, only one pose, about 7 or 8mm tall, cleanly sculpted & cast.
>Individually cast, so you'll need to provide bases for your DS squads.
>> SF1008	Combat Powered trooper (1)		GBP 0.32 *
>> SF1009	Combat Powered Commander (1)	GBP 0.32 *
>> SF10010	Combat powered Hvy Wpn (1)		GBP 0.32
>These guys are basically Infantry Walkers, in DS terms. That Orbital
>Assault Batt I've got has two Companies worth of these. "Egghead" 
>walkers, roughly ovoid bodies, no seperate heads, hunchbacked look. 
>nice clean sculpts, but only one pose per type.
>All of them have a light gun of some sort as one arm; IIRC the 
>has a more complex backpack unit with an antenna, while the Hvy Wpn 
>has a
>sort of vertical tube sticking out of a larger 'backpack' - vertical
>launch GMS/L, I decided they were.
>> Start tape:	", is it too much to ask for pictures..." 
>> tape
>I don't have closeups, but:
>The 2nd pic has PA on either side of the four superheavy tanks at 
>and behind them at the rear edge of the middle woods are three of the
>Infantry Walkers - one of them already burning...
>Oh, and the flat bases with cast-on figures are SF1004 Heavy Weapons -
>basically a GMS/L & two-man team all cast onto the same base.
>Very nice figures, all of them.

I appreciate the info.	I will try and get to library today or from work
Monday and check out the URLs.

6 mm miniatures rule!

R.I.P. and

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