RE: [SG] Alien civilians?
From: devans@n...
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 09:55:04 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG] Alien civilians?
> Now, they don't have to be a complete match: in the Evil Empire's (tm)
> thingies, if you think Aliens start as Face Huggers, for
> Genestealers figs,
> progeny could be represented by those weird flapping things from
> Necromunda. (Sorry, I've several, but don't recall what GW calls 'em.)
They actually used to have some "junior" genestealers, about 15mm high
which were mainly sold as wizards familiars, I have some somewhere.
And, I thought there was something hideously 'child-like' to the
crouched termagaunts (or were those hormagaunts? I pride myself on my
uncertainty here ;->= ) that would have made fair juvenile 'stealers or
I'm certain other lines have similar related figs; just drawing a blank
the moment, save for various goblinoids. However, the examples were
for stimulating other's brains.
The GW familiar example is a good one, save that you'd have to special
order them, and that would be ruinous. However, previous version plastic
'gaunts are often fairly cheaply found.