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Politics and John A (et al.)

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 02:23:58 -0500
Subject: Politics and John A (et al.)

1. I think most of us feel concern for our friends 
(and community members) over in the areas of 
hostilities. Concern about that is not only 
natural, but a sign of community. The trick is 
expressing that without bringing up political 
issues about justification/illegality/etc. of the 
current situation. This isn't a restriction of free 
speech - it's an acknowledgement that the 
reason we share this list is for the purpose of 
discussing wargames with small lead men in a 
fictional universe, not about discussing (per se) 
current events. We all new that when we joined. 
Oft times, straying off course is acceptable to all 
or most, but this is a particularly charged time 
and a bit of sensitivity (nod to Brian and 
others) is just courteous. I for one totally 
disagree with Brian, but we've agreed that such 
discussions do not belong in this forum. 
Remember, the right to free speech and the 
necessity to use it in all ways at every 
opportunity are not necessarily identical things. 

2. John A. - gone out of Texas (where he was 
chilling his heels while, as he put it, members of 
his crew were getting themselves into trouble - 
soldiers without anything to do, with their lives 
in storage, waiting.... not too good.....). Flew off 
to Big Sandy. Gear may already be unloaded (if 
I believe CNN some 4th ID elements are already 
in Iraq). His bridge should be getting moving 
North soon, as no doubt the US could use the 
heavily equipped 4th ID. 

Let's all (regardless of our thoughts on the 
war) say a prayer that Los, Schoon, Ted, Magic 
and John (and any other lurkers who may have 
been called up) come back safe. I suspect Los 
has been busy with the sneakies and Ted 
probably is getting his fill of logistical support 
or traffic direction. Not sure which harbour 
Magic and the two CG cutters are securing 
(Kuwait City?), but they're probably busy. And 
Schoon went IIRC with the Marines and we know 
they never have it easy. So let's just hope they 
all come back safe. I'd rather argue with any of 
them post-facto about wars that read about 
them as a statistic in one. 

I have a mailing address for John A. I know 
Magic posted one to the list (but I've lost it and 
I'm not competent to find it in the archives...). I 
don't expect to get one for Los :) but if anyone 
has an overseas address for Schoon or Ted, I'd 
love to have it (you can drop me a line off list). 
I think writing to them might be a good gesture 
of personal support. 

Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst

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