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Militant Orders

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 03:50:17 -0500
Subject: Militant Orders

Thinking about this topic made me wonder 
about (loosely) equivalent ESU structures - 
perhaps the Thugees or the Shaolin? Bald 
headed warrior monks who are as deadly with 
the assault rifle and grenade launcher as their 
ancestors were with the chinese sword and 
spear? And secret assassins or other secret 
groups from the Indian subcontinent? And 
Japan having a resurgence of the Iga or Koga 
clans as assassins? Or the Samurai (some 
strong suggestion of a cultural resurgence here 
in Japanese SG2 figs)? And the North American 
Aboriginals might substitute some tribal 
groups? (Comanche warriors? Sioux?)

Lots of potential in the GZGverse for revival of 
old near-defunct groups (and some non-
defunct ones)! The exodus of many groups 
from Earth leaves good room for this. And of 
course, these groups would have revived with 
some of the old culture and traditions, but 
married them to new technology and 

An interesting thread, all in all. ;) 
Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst

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