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RE: [FH] Possible New Minor Power

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 23:46:27 +1000
Subject: RE: [FH] Possible New Minor Power


> Of course, there are several, from Warzone thru Games 
> Workshop, but these run a bit large, and more than a bit
> silly. I think there were some in the Grenadier Nightmares
> line that might work, but I don't see the ones I'm
> thinking of on Nemo's page.

I'd opt for tarting up civvies too, though some of the Necromunda
can turn out ok if you take your time and think it through
mostly up the back of the pic at under the
miscellaneous link) - my mother-in-law wasn't quite so thrilled with my
jobs when she realised they were all orders of the catholic church... I
believe my protestant heritage came in to question at that moment ;)

> PS As an aside to Beth, even an American rustic, such as 
> myself, has heard the term 'corker'...

Great! On the upside at least I'm slowly beginning to remember people
probably won't understand before Laserlight has to give me *that* look

Have fun


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