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Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics

From: Tony Christney <tchristney@t...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 17:59:00 -0800
Subject: Re: [SG2] Not OT at all! CNN "Urban Combat" Graphics


I was just about to point out that using an airbrush removes both the
melting problem and the warping problem. Not everyone has an
airbrush though...

Tony C.

On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 12:48 PM, Adrian Johnson wrote:

>> I use 1/4" foamcore for all of my buildings and I've
>> never had warping troubles. Applying paint can warp
>> some materials from absorbing the moisture. There are
>> two remedies to this; One is to paint the side of the
>> material that you don't care about first so that it
>> warps one way, then paint the side you do want so it
>> warps back to about straight. No really, it works.
>> Another method is to seal the material before you
>> paint with a spray matte. This works even better but
>> can melt the internal foam in the foamcore due to the
>> acetone used in most spray product.
> I built a series of foamcore buildings (multistory, sized for WH40k) 
> about
> 9 or 10 years ago.  I still have them, they still work fine, and no
> warping, even on the bases which were also foamcore.
> I painted them after assembly with a basecoat of black, but it was
> water-soluable acrylic sprayed through an airbrush, and I painted
> surface except the bottom.


> Hope that helps.
> Adrian
> ***************************************
> Adrian Johnson
> ***************************************

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