Re: [DS2] Multi-barrel cheese question
From: Brian Bilderback <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 17:05:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DS2] Multi-barrel cheese question
Here's my take on it:
--- CS Renegade <> wrote:
> Is it permissable to describe a single weapon on a
> vehicle as "quick-firing" or "multi-barrel" and put
> multiple weapons in the design, even though only a
> single barrel or shroud features on the model?
As long as you pay the capacity for multiple systems,
and let your opponent know that that's what you've
done, why not?
> If it is, what conditions, restrictions or
> advantages should apply?
None that I can think of onther than those already in
place for multiple mount systems.
> On a vaguely-related note, is it permissable to
> justify a GMS that does not appear on the figure by
> describing it as "through-barrel" in the design?
Same concept seems to apply. If you've paid the
points and capacity for both a GMS and a direct fire
weapon, why not? It only strikes me as cheesy if you
don't point it out to your opponent.
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