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totally untested SG 2 idea for comment

From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 14:22:00 PST
Subject: totally untested SG 2 idea for comment

Okay, a bit bizarre but nothing new there...

Let us assume that the average Stargrunt soldier is 25 mm (not proven
assumed) and that he/she represents a 6 foot tall human (assumption
increasing heights of the 'average' human and a point of diminishing
returns personality (mine.))

Then a 15 mm figure would be 3.6 (or 3 foot and 7.2 inches) and a 6 mm
figure would be 1.44 (or 1 foot 5.28 inches) tall.  For completeness I
will also say a 10 mm figure would be 2.4 (or 2 foot 4.8 inches.)

Yes, I am still looking at 'Mi-i-i-i-c-e In Spa-a-a-a-c-e!"  ideas.

Would it reasonable (or not) in your corporate opinions to adjust the
following for the smaller figures?

Movement (and terrain) effects
Cover and Concealment
Hidden units
Personal armor
Heavy Weapons systems
Target Size (how do get smaller than class 1 and should you?)
Firepower and Impact
Close Assault
Artillery Fire


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