Re: Soap bubbles?
From: Randall Joiner <rljoiner@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:20:18 -0800
Subject: Re: Soap bubbles?
At 07:16 AM 2/20/03 +0100, you wrote:
>The tactical question is not; is a soap bubble carrier unsafe when hit
- we
>all agree it is not safe. The question is: In a fleet action, is it
safer to
>be in an SBC or a conventional vessel ? From what I hear about present
>rules, a conventional vessel is less safe :-/
Depends really... Conventional vessels, unless constrained, will
ASAP. Failing that, and they're much more likely to strike the colors
try and fight it out against any military craft. (Who can blame
them?) Unless, of course, they know that it's suicide to surrender. Or
they've a culture of non-surrender/die fighting.
>Unless, that is, the SBC regularly gets slaughtered while its fighters
>decimate the opposition - my original .question, which nobody has
>so far.
Soap Bubble tactics can be summed up in 2 statements. 1. Fighters do
work. 2. Bug out in any other case.
If they're being attacked (or about to be) warm up the FTL. If there
fighters on the board, our fighters kill them first! (Most likely
brought more than enough) If for some unknown reason you didn't bring
enough, then run, run run run run run run run run.
>BTW: what happens if two fleets of SBC meet ?
Heh... Depends... "Most efficient design" wins, or most lucky wins.