Re: Fighters that bad? Re: Soap bubbles?
From: devans@n...
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 13:39:59 -0600
Subject: Re: Fighters that bad? Re: Soap bubbles?
>Sorry to bust in on this thread but how, exactly, are fighters broken?
>missed the original "Soap Bubbles" post but I always thought fighters
>fine the way they were.
To repeat, most of us think they are fine, but while most things get
when they can mob, fighters get better WAY faster. Least, that's the
closest thing to a concensus as you'll find here.
>SML/ there's a problem. :)
Actually, I feel that way about fighters, but my games have tended to be
much lower MU's than others, so slow and close make either fighters OR
SML's of any kind deadly.