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[FT] Fighter vs PDS & Soapbubbles

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 13:11:40 +1100
Subject: [FT] Fighter vs PDS & Soapbubbles

One random thought I had (vaguely recalling some previous comment) was
PDS effectiveness.

If PDS can attack every incoming fighter/missile, but reduce hits to
6+reroll (b-1 on 6, noreroll).	However this creates some additional
problems in that it will be difficult to get capship missiles (with
their 1
hit) through average PDS.

Math (probably faulty):
For a ship with average 4 PDS = 0.267*4 = 1.07 kills per incoming
Normal kill rate of 0.8*4 = 3.2 kills per turn.

This advantages the defender against more than 3 targets, but
against single salvoes (where you would think law of averages would

FT weaponry is abstracted anyway (a B-3 could be 15 different weapon
for the effect for example).

Following the thought through;

PDS has two modes: Point Attack and Area Attack.  Each PDS must be
before rolling dice.

Point Attack Mode requires a specific target and uses standard PDS rules
(4-5 = 1 kill, 6 = 2 kills + reroll).  This represents gunners
fire to take down specific targets.

Area Attack Mode simply throws as much fire as possible into the space
around the ship without caring what is hit.  All fighters/missiles
the ship are attacked by the PDS (6 = 1 kill + reroll).

Beam-1 as PDS: can only be used in Point Attack Mode (standard rules:
5-6 =
1 kill + reroll).

ADFC: Can use the ship's own PDS in Point Attack Mode to help defend
ship as per normal rules OR may instead attack *ANY* unengaged fighter
within 6MU in Area attack mode if not used elsewhere.

Ships would have an option as to what they want to do; if only being
attacked by a few fighters or missiles, they can concentrate their
If being swarmed it's possible to kill a few from all of them, possibly
mixing area and point attacks for high threat targets.

'Neath Southern Skies -

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